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  1. Ben's Avatar

    Fibre, meet Not Spot.

    by , 4th November 2011 at 07:24 PM (Ben's Talk3G Blog)
    It happened.

    Friday 28th October was the eventual glorious day when the etherflow was provisioned by my ISP Spitfire, following a 'fit and test' by Openreach on the 26th. The gear they've installed is rather nice; just a single fibre is used these days for transmit and receive, with 3 spares, and the fibre modem, or "BT NTE", has dual power supplies for redundancy and 21CN (21st Century Network) branding. It supports redundant fibre inputs, but the spare isn't being used ...
  2. Ben's Avatar

    The 44,472 Mile Tweet

    by , 18th August 2010 at 10:17 AM (Ben's Talk3G Blog)
    In as little as 10 days my tweets could be travelling 44,472 miles in order to reach you.

    Ding ding ding! You're absolutely right! For the first time in 6 years I'm going to be back on satellite bloody broadband!

    Lets look at the options:
    - ADSL: 256k. Technically it's more like 200k down and 300k up, a bit of a puzzle! There are days when I think I could live with it and hope that something better comes along. Then it goes down for several hours. Oh, and the ...
    Tags: adsl, broadband, satellite, wimax
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