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  1. Ben's Avatar

    Living the 3G900 dream

    by , 14th April 2012 at 12:31 AM (Ben's Talk3G Blog)
    Several of you were right to be sceptical when O2's new 3G900 coverage maps got me all excited. Coverage maps, after all, rarely reflect real life experience, and Ofcom has proven sorely ineffective at remedying this farce.

    But for me, the reality of 3G900 has been a lot closer to O2's projected coverage than you'd think. It's actually scarily accurate, and as I've explored Canterbury today I've been surprised by the breadth and depth of O2's 3G coverage, which is probably comparable ...
    3g , Mobile Networks , Mobile
  2. Ben's Avatar

    O2 goes the extra 3G900 mile

    by , 2nd April 2012 at 11:59 PM (Ben's Talk3G Blog)
    I've been with O2 before with the iPhone 3G/3GS. I remember well that "No Service" message where my signal bars should be, and the utter shock whenever anything faster than an E appeared on the display. Oh yes, O2 aren't exactly renowned for their 3G rollout success...

    Since then I've been with Vodafone, and to start with it was just fine. I was getting the experience I was expecting, having used their data cards and dongles since the beginning. However, not long after the ...