Blimey! What a palava.

I had thought that the HTC HD2 would be the pinnacle of Windows Mobile deployment on hardware. It is therefore quite shocking to read Miffed's account of his experience with the HD2 as his primary device.

I have tried to interchange iPhone with Nexus One as primary device with some success. However, no such success when I tried it with the HTC Magic and G1 - these two were way to underpowered to be used with such reliance put upon them. Yes, they worked, after a fashion. But were constantly in the shadow of the iPhone.

With the Nexus One and its rather powerful hardware the Android experience becomes very much more tolerable, enjoyable even.

It has been a very long time since I used Windows Mobile - the last being the Virgin Mobile handset that was supposed to be able to be used to watch TV channels. What a joke that was, it barely worked as a handset let alone a TV. It was like a smaller and less controllable version of the HP iPAQ that I had (still have). And as a phone it wasn't great. Fast forward some three years or so and it is staggering to see that things, even with WM 6.5, not being a whole lot better.

The death of Windows Mobile? It can't come quickly enough.

Windows Phone? I'll reserve judgement until I can get my hands on one. Meanwhile I hold no expectations for improvement whatsoever.