I could wait no longer and updated my Nexus One (see here https://talk3g.co.uk/showthread.p...the-OTA-update )

The new firmware "Android 2.1-update 1" to give it its formal title, is superb. What a huge difference it makes to the Nexus One, improving its performance and usability at a stroke. Google and HTC have done well with this one.

The multi-touch/pinch-zoom is excellent and on a par with the iPhone 3GS - the only other handset worth comparing the Nexus One against. Unlike third-party attempts such as Dolphin browser or Cyanogen's ROM for the Nexus One the pinch-zoom is slick and smooth, without any trace of jerkiness that might betray overloading the hardware. In the new update the multi-touch experience is very good indeed.

It was a little bit fiddly to install, there are several button-push sequences to go through but nothing that anyone else couldn't do. Just take your time, don't rush it, and all will be fine.

If you are in a rush to try out the new update then go to the above link and do it yourself. You will not be disappointed.