Ah well , to celebrate my return to WM , I gave in and bought myself a new toy

Got a T-mobile Ameo - not everyones cup of tea , but I absolutely love it!

Bloody great thing ! but it is mostly (the huge) screen , so its all good

The experince in the T-mobile (canterbury) store was a bit painful ,there was one decent guy ( nice bloke !) - but unfortunately T-mobile's sales support systems were more than useless , so he had to keep referring to his superior , who was a bit of a prat !
This guy (surprise surpise) started trying to talk me out of the Ameo and onto the Compact III again ! (Just as the retentions Guy did on the phone !) he even adopt the same patronising "But why an Ameo ? " when it was 100% clear that I KNEW what I wanted - We finally got rid of him though , and then the decent guy tried his hardest to get the sale completed as quick as possible , but the whole process took an hour and a half !! - can't see them making a lot of money if they are selling phones at that "speed"

.....unfortunately the "superior returned to try and sell me the insurance , tried his hardest , then I asked him what would and be wouldn't be covered by the "reasonable care" clause - and we established that mobile insurance wasn't for me

Anyway ,I got the Ameo for £219 on Flext 25 with W&W (£32.50 pm ) - I could have got this a little cheaper online (£235 ) but I was happy to pay a little extra to get in NOW ... and not have to negotiate the postal strikes etc

Best device I have bought since in ages - and brings home to me exactly how overpriced / hyped the N95 is !