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View Full Version : Whats the LED for ?

1st July 2005, 12:47 PM
On the front of the 6680 in the top left hand corner there is a white dot/LED. What is this used for and where are the settings for it. I can find no mention of this in the manual.

1st July 2005, 01:17 PM

It's the light sensor. It monitors how much ambient light there is and adjusts the screen and keypad illuminations appropriately.

I love Nokia :D

1st July 2005, 05:41 PM
And there was me thinking that it was a steel-cutting white laser diode, Bond stylee!

Does it work at all reliably then? I got one of those on my iPAQ and I have to say it's rubbish on that device - more like an on/off switch for the backlight with very little going on in the dim/undim department.

I'd like to "love Nokia" but Orange won't budge unless I part with bundles of cash - and I'm feeling a bit mean at the moment on account of me wanting it for free!

1st July 2005, 07:30 PM
It basically switches you from bright screen but no keypad to softer lit screen and illuminated keypad - that way you get the best viewing conditions in most ambient lighting setups without wasting battery.

S'worth £80 alone! ;)