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View Full Version : RedmondPie Confirms RedsnOw Guards Jailbreak while updating to iOS 5.1.1 in iDevices

Sajjad Rahman
9th May 2012, 08:31 AM
This is very exciting news for the jailbreak fans in idevices. People using the new version of RedsnOw can securely update their iDevices like iPhone, iPad or iPod touch to iOS 5.1.1 which is the latest operating system for iDevices.

The best part of this update is you don’t have to worry about your jailbreak position as the RedsnOw acts as a guard while updating the operating system. This is confirmed by Redmond Pie and another iOS developer. However there are few imprtant steps and measures to be taken while updating to iOS 5.1.1.

Remember to download the file of iOS 5.1 handy before you upgrade your gadget to iOS 5.1.1. Next Install Cydia when you open RedsnOw and specify it needs to run the iOS 5.1 file to process the earlier jailbreak software.

This is a very simple process to protect your jailbreak iOS 5 and iOS 5.1 in iPhone and other devices but the sad part of the tethered jailbreak is you will have to do a reconnection every time to tether an iOS device if you choose to restart it.

Source: http://www.redmondpie.com/jailbreak-5.1.1-ios-on-iphone-ipad-ipod-touch-using-redsn0w-tutorial/

9th May 2012, 12:03 PM
There's too much advertising junk on that site; I've changed the URL to point to the original article.

Are many Talk3Gers still jailbreaking? I only ever did it once, and that was because I needed an unlock which back then required it.

9th May 2012, 01:12 PM
I have not jailbroken an iOS device for simply ages. The last would have been my iPhone 3GS, and then I let it lock up again at the next update. My reasons being that I really didn't need what was available via jailbreak simply because I had access to Android to cover off the "holes" that iOS leaves in functionality.

What do I mean? Well, simple "stuff" like WiFi Analyser, impossible on the iPhone but abundantly available on Android. I use this app quite frequently to help people resolve home WiFi issues where, typically, they are competing with close neighbours for a particular WiFi channel. Then there is RF Signal Tracker, again in Android only, that enable sophisticated analysis of not only the prevailing 3G cell signal but also will track a journey between two points giving cell data along the way. And of course, the good old stable mate WiFiFoFum is available. None of this possible on iOS without a jailbreak - simply no hassle at all on Android.

Of course, if I didn't have an Android device I would most likely want to jailbreak my iPad2 to get WiFi tether enablement (for some reason blocked in iOS but not on the "new iPad", go figure).

9th May 2012, 08:23 PM
Sorry to derail the thread... I tried tethering for the first (proper) time on my iPhone 4S on Tuesday night. My friend just got a MacBook Air and wanted me to show her some stuff, so I threw up a hotspot so iCloud would work.

Very nice implementation :)

The option wasn't even there for me on Vodafone.

But yeah, 3GS was the last time I jailbroke too, and it's locked back up again now.

Sajjad Rahman
10th May 2012, 06:16 AM
Sorry to derail the thread... I tried tethering for the first (proper) time on my iPhone 4S on Tuesday night. My friend just got a MacBook Air and wanted me to show her some stuff, so I threw up a hotspot so iCloud would work.

Very nice implementation :)

The option wasn't even there for me on Vodafone.

But yeah, 3GS was the last time I jailbroke too, and it's locked back up again now.

Hehe, good things are meant to be shared :D