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2nd April 2012, 01:06 PM
Just had a very bizarre web chat with O2!

First off let me say that the web chat service itself is excellent; fast and efficient.

I have a business a/c with O2 (well, one with all of the networks, but I'm referring to the O2 one here) and when I discovered that they've rolled out 3G900 much more extensively than when I last checked it made sense to enquire about moving most of our connections over from Vodafone.

The problem is I need a femtocell for home because no network has good coverage here. O2 have Boost Box, but it's not on public sale.

No worries, I was told, an Account Manager can get me a Boost Box if my account has 10 connections. But I can't get an Account Manager until I have 10 connections...

...but I'm not moving my connections over until I have a Boost Box so I can actually use two of them...

O2 wouldn't budge. Yes, I can definitely have a Boost Box. But they want 10 connections from me first. Urgh!

Anyway, I've ordered what could be 'my' SIM on 30-day SIM Only. I'll give it a whirl around town and, if it really is good, I'll have to take a leap of faith and start moving connections over. Can't port without a Boost Box, though, so this could get interesting. But iPhone 4, 4S, and iPad 2 have 3G900, so I'd be a fool not to try and make some progress here. I can't bear being stuck on Vodafone anymore with their thoroughly dismal data performance in and around Canterbury.

2nd April 2012, 01:15 PM
Can a normal CS rep not give you one? I imagine if you gave sales a ring they might try and work something out for you.

2nd April 2012, 01:30 PM
Maybe, I'm not sure. The only stories I've heard re: the Boost Box is that it's in beta, not like Three where I've heard of it being used as a retentions tool.

FWIW, I've spoken to Three Business sales and they won't issue a Home Signal at all. :-/ If only I were a disgruntled 'consumer' customer!

May give O2 a bell later... they seemed pretty sturdy in their stance.

2nd April 2012, 01:51 PM
That's weird, perhaps Three don't want the hassle of trying to support femtocells for business? I imagine it's a whole different kettle of fish than telling consumers to just turn it off and on again when it's not working.

2nd April 2012, 02:26 PM
I imagine it's a while different kettle of fish than telling consumers to just turn it off and on again when it's not working.
Haha, too true. Irritating thing is, I need it for my house, not for the office, and being the director I'm not going to move all the connections over only to find that everyone else benefits while I have no signal at home. Might've gotten somewhere with our 'proper' Three a/c manager, but I think they've taken maternity leave and the replacement is so competent that she recommended the Three Web Cube instead! I mean, really, I have no coverage, so I don't know what planet she's on.

Much as I detest Vodafone at the moment, one has to hand it to them for having a fully commercially deployed femtocell strategy complete with efficient online management.

2nd April 2012, 08:50 PM
What is it with mobile operators that they express a zero aptitude for business sense? What school or university teaches them that it is okay for a customer to walk away empty handed? Dear old Arkwright will be spinning in his grave around about now!