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View Full Version : Nokia N9 announced, everybody excited. Microsoft pissed. Ballmer calls Elop.

23rd June 2011, 03:30 PM
Nokia N9 announced, everybody excited. Microsoft pissed. Ballmer calls Elop. "Leak a wp7 device now!". Elop "Sir, yes sir!". Ballmer eagerly awaiting buzz...

above quote is from an engadget comment:

because in a secret meeting Elop did this:




Of course you aren't supposed to see the new phone that's codenamed "Sea Ray" just yet, none of us are, and the fact that Elop specifically asks people in the crowd to put away their cameras was clearly not followed by Hungarian site Technet.hu as they've just posted a video of Elop doing the secret unveil.

"This is something that is super confidential and we do not want to see out in the bloggersphere," says Elop to the crowd - a bit late now.

23rd June 2011, 03:40 PM
That was like watching "Top Gear" :D

23rd June 2011, 06:09 PM
full video http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8M1wC0pS_No

23rd June 2011, 06:15 PM
The first and last Meego handset.

Looks very pretty but who wants a new mobile phone (that they might have to keep on a 24 month contract) with an operating system that has been given a death sentance.

Christ knows why the idiots at Nokia have decided to release this thing. I am sure it will work well enough but phone store staff will probably ignore it because they know Nokia have a new product line with Windows phone 7 coming in Q3-4 2011. Who can blame them?

23rd June 2011, 08:07 PM
The N9 with MeeGo/QT is a sop to keep the Nokia die-hards interested. Sorry if that is a bitter pill to swallow, but what else can it be? It has no history, it has no future [outside of Nokia].

The world has so massively moved on, and Nokia still don't seem to get it. The public's expectation is that of App Stores and high compatibility, ease of use, flexibility, lessening of Network Operator constraint etc. And if that is the public's expectation then that of the industry watchers (bloggers and the like) is so very much higher. Just Google for MeeGo or QT and see what you come up with. Largely unintelligible gobbledegook that no one can understand who is outside of the technology circles.

Just how "integrated" is the N9? In my early opinion it is a bit of a marvel of systems integration - something quite common in the computing industry. So here we have Joikuspot used to deliver WiFi tethering of the 3G network. But that is just a bundled in application and not a function of the core OS. Does it really matter? Maybe, maybe not. And no doubt very much more of this is to be found in the N9.

I remain of the mind that Nokia would do well to put out an Android handset - and if it were my vote I'd say use the N8 and E7 as a choice pair. They'd win back a huge following overnight.

23rd June 2011, 09:43 PM
the video is of the nokia sea ray the wp7 device that uses the same shell as the n9

24th June 2011, 06:07 PM
Really shocking unveiling of Sea Ray.

Shocking in that it was so ridiculously over-staged to create hype. Urgh. I actually put my hands over my face when Elop told someone to put their camera away.

24th June 2011, 06:20 PM
Oh come on ?

Maybe he was just a bit naive and thought it would be OK to share a secret with a room full of Journalists ? :D

Like I said , I was expecting the shot to cut to Richard Hammond & James May !