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View Full Version : 3!!!! DO NOT GET A Contract!! You WILL Regret it, ANY 3 Manager email address?

6th January 2011, 12:12 AM
WOW, what a bad experiance!!!!
I need a high ranking 3 mobile customer service email address, not finding much on the net, they are only up the road from me & have made me so mad I might go & slap posters up around their head office in Maidenhead letting them know what I think!
A cutdown verion of my story.

Orderd iphone4 from their web site(used sales phone no on site as I had some questions)
Told phone would be deliverd to me with in 3 days - took 1 1/2 weeks (weeks before snow hit).
Not able to use handset in most of my house due to poor signal (checked before & told wood be ok)
Tried to port old number from O2, 3 Fu*ked it up, I could only make calls not recive calls for over 10 days & after 3 hours on the phone to them, they could not tell me if or when it could be fixed.
Cancelled contract, sent phone back, spoke to the returns dept who were happy with my return but could not provide me with pac code or refund (another dept which would take another 5 days). left for seven days called again, spent 2 hours on the phone to be told that I did not have an account & therefor I could not have a refund!!!! When I asked how come payment had been taken by Three from my credit card, the customer service representive (in India) said there was no record of this payment by me, "BUT COULD I PROVIDE HIM WITH MY ONLINE BANK DETAILS SO HE COULD CHECK MY ONLINE STATMENT"!!!!!!!!! as if they hadent taken me for enough money already!!!
Bounced between a few more departments before the cut me off!!!

Anybody can help would be appreciated.
I have already emailed watchdog about this Shower!
ta Gmcvann

6th January 2011, 12:39 AM
Man I couldnt see for looking! (its getting late, been searching forums & emailing watchdog etc for hours) top thread, titaled contacts, does anybody know iif any of the addys are still valid?

6th January 2011, 01:02 AM
Hi gmcvann, welcome to talk3g. What a horrid but all too usual a tale. It is no secret that I remain completely disenfranchised with Three's customer services. They are the ruination of an otherwise superb company staffed with very keen and dedicated staff in the UK. Kevin Russel (MD) must be ripping his hair out in frustration at that off shore shambles.

I suspect that our Three Contactslistis a bit dated. But I would suggest two possible courses of action.
1. Make contact with their web relations team via Twitter on @ThreeUK. They are a nice bunch on there and will try to help. My hot tip, don't be Mr Angry with them.
2. Visit their Blog to see the names and roles of their incumbent staff, some managers write on there. Go to http://blog.three.co.uk

Generally, at Three the email is first name.last [email protected]

Do let us know how you get on. Some of the others may have suggestions also.

6th January 2011, 08:28 AM
Urgh, Three customer services strikes again. How can a company that has 'got it together' in so many other regards over the last couple of years still be failing in this critical area?

I appreciate money is tight when you're not making any, but HWL has thrown so much at this one already that surely it's worth sorting out the biggest sticking point of all.

I, too, recommend Twitter, and think taking a soft, victim-based approach will get you further.

6th January 2011, 10:32 PM
Thanks for the info guys, I will use this a a back up plan as not used twitter before.
I have a little info for anyboby else wanting email address for 3.
Using a combination of info gained from a very late night surfing this & other 3 forums, I tried to email my case to these 3 email address.
[email protected]
[email protected] (as his name apeard on the bottom of one of my three letters)
[email protected]

The Allen McLuckey address looks to not be in use, no reply as yet from Stephen Cambel, but I recived a reply from the executive office address, to say they were looking into the case & would contact me within 5 days (lets hpe so). If this fails its time for me to join twitter! (or stake out the Maidenhead head office which is only 3 miles from me.
Thanks for the help guys.
I'll update when I hear something

The Mullet of G
13th January 2011, 12:28 PM
Like the others have said this is shocking but not surprising for Three, I also agree that it would be best to adopt a softly softly victim approach initially, however should that fail then contact www.consumerdirect.gov.uk or Trading Standards and get them to explain your legal position. Armed with this information its time to play hard ball, type out a strongly worded email documenting your legal position and your Terminator like resolve to pursue this course if necessary, a few phone-calls and some tactical mud slinging on Twitter are also fair play here. In my experience the majority of companies will eventually fold if your persistent enough, once they realise that you aren't going away and that your starting to cost them time and money, the common sense approach is for them to capitulate.

13th January 2011, 01:16 PM
Not a good start with me and Three. 6 hours into having a new Sim Only with them and I was lied too by Customer Services and when I spoke to a manager today was told I have 2 options, Carry on using the SIM or pay it off and pay the ETF

13th January 2011, 04:32 PM
@getti 12 month sim only?

13th January 2011, 05:39 PM
Not any more. Was given the runaround, lied too, kept on hold so just took the SIM into my local store where I used to work and they have cancelled it for me.

13th January 2011, 06:26 PM
What did they lie to you about?

13th January 2011, 06:44 PM
i'm surprised an ex-employee is getting this much grief from them

13th January 2011, 07:00 PM
I was told i can add roaming on fine, then i needed a deposit, then its fine, a simple call took 22 minutes.

Then when i said its ok i will just cancel it i was told on the 11th thats fine they will email the team who will cancel and not charge anything but i should wait 48hrs then try the SIM to see if it has been stopped. That was today and it was still working so i called up and they looked through the notes and said I was given wrong information by the person on the phone. She then went on a 5 minute continuous talking marathon not letting me get a word in which ended in her saying I have 2 options I either use the SIM for 12mths or pay it off (12mths worth at £25).

Ended up I went into the store I used to work and they filled in a disconnection form there and got it canceled for me. Well i signed the paperwork saying i have cancelled, they broke the SIM and sent off the form so should all be sorted now.

Their plans are great, the network has potential and has lots going for it and the UK team are great. But yet again the team everyone has to speak too at 333 let the side down.