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View Full Version : What happened to Three CS???

1st June 2010, 03:13 PM
Im shocked (in a good way) by Three CS dept of late, i have a Three mobile broadband account and basically i am shocked at how good the CS has become, i use to be a Three customer but left about 2 years ago to get a iphone on o2... CS back then was shocking! But i went on Holiday to Cornwall for 2 weeks last month so called up to see if i would get coverage there, i gave them the postcode and was told sorry but we don't cover there so can't use your mobile broadband, and then told me that because i would be in an area of no coverage that they would apply a £15 credit to my account, this was without any prompt from me, Thank you very much Three, and to top it all off i could get coverage and my dongle worked fine ;)
Now i come home and since Sat my mobile broadband connection has become very slow and unusable at my home location, so today i called Three back to report this, a little checking on there behalf revealed that 2 masts that cover my area are down, apparently i have 4 masts giving me coverage (lucky me) and that's why my mobile broadbands poor, so they instantly gave me another £15 credit and told me the issue should be fixed within 7 days and they will call me next week (Monday) with an update! Very impressive!! i shall see if the do actually call???

Now its great they keep giving credits to their customers but surely if they keep this up Three UK will go bankrupt??? LOL

1st June 2010, 03:57 PM
Thats really good! And very similar to what happened with me, here. https://talk3g.co.uk/showthread.php?8036-Fantastic-customer-service%21

Seems like Three have started to get their act together in terms of Customer Service. Where they fail, they admit and compensate. I like that honesty.

1st June 2010, 04:07 PM
How very interesting. Tell me, was the call centre UK or off-shore? I know it may be difficult to tell, but perhaps an educated guess? :D

I have just re-joined Three with a MiFi on 18 month contract (£15 for 5GB) with some trepidation, so it is very encouraging reading this.

1st June 2010, 05:09 PM
Both CS and the second line support where both off shore, i don't know how you would speak to a UK Call centre?

3rd June 2010, 01:03 AM
Interesting. I remember back in the day when I was on AOL I'd always come away from a call happy for another month of free connection!

Though if I'm honest getting credit was a bit of a necessity back then, access was expensive and covering the call charges was enough of an issue ;)

Back to Three, this rather strikes me as an emergency damage-control tactic. They need to improve the perception of their brand, and this will work if it's backed up by improvements in the customer experience. Their TV ads lead us to believe that they're chucking up masts like there's no tomorrow. I hope that's true.

*Hugs his £15/mo MiFi* Can't wait to give this thing a decent hammering.

3rd June 2010, 07:54 AM
As far as I know and three have stated it on their blog: http://blog.three.co.uk/2010/02/12/changing-network-perceptions/

They are working on CS issues a fact highlighted not only by users of three, but also ex users and most members of this fourm.

Three have thaken some steps to inprove, not only by looking at network issues, CS issues and other issues. While they have started to make some in roads (slowly) to fixing things they still have some way to go examples are: incrreasing call charges on contract and PAYG, only 24 month price plans which few want due to hardware chanigng all the time, and the mess they made of the HTC Desire in repect of delivery. I was one of the lucky ones got unlocked and unbraned after 3 weeks on PAYG. I know othersare just getting theres on contract now and have been waiting since March/April.

I welcome the steps they are starting to take. the questions I ask are;

1. Have they made enought changes and made them fast enought
2. Can they enbed the changes they have made within three
3. Is it a case of to late for many who been on the network before to return