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View Full Version : Vectone - Looks Good

31st October 2009, 01:44 PM
Saw this new MVNO advertised all over the place lately. It has 1M customers and its main selling point is that you can call lots of countries at the weekend for 1p/min. There are limits on the number of 1p mins you get but USA & Inda for example you can get 1000 mins to either landlines or mobiles!

They use the T-Mobile 3 G Network so coverage should be good). SIMS are free on demand and calls to landlines, X/Net (per Min) and SMS within the UK are 5p. Calls up to 10 mins (Max 3000 Mins a month) and texts (Max 500 a month) between Vectone users are free.

Not quite as cheap as Asda's deal for SMS but the 5p/Min for calls and the International prioces might make this worth a thought.

20th March 2012, 07:32 PM
I think Vectone is more for people calling overseas a lot. Don't know about their UK rates, but like their China Unlimited bundle a lot (10 pounds for 30 days)! I'm calling my bf everyday and still have lots of credits left.

I think I'll keep Vectone only for alling overseas, and would like to try Delight 5p/min to any UK network. Would share how it works later :)

20th March 2012, 08:21 PM
I'll let the reviews do the talking http://mobilenetworkcomparison.co.uk/reviews/vectone/ , one word "avoid"

20th March 2012, 10:48 PM
I'll let the reviews do the talking http://mobilenetworkcomparison.co.uk/reviews/vectone/ , one word "avoid"

Definitely worth looking beyond the headline figures. I've seen Vectone advertising in London since last summer. A bit of research put me right off.