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11th July 2009, 11:34 PM
Just watched the recent WWDC in full using my Mac Mini on a HD TV.

Just finished and they have me wanting to buy a MacBook Pro 13", iPhone 3GS, Mobile Me and Snow Leopard when that comes out.

I also spent a hour the other day downloading Apps from iTunes and had a good time looking through all what is on offer even though i don't have an iPhone.

I have an O2 contract which although i cancelled, ended up getting another one the day after the other one ended and have talked O2 into adding the Tethering 3GB option onto my Simplicity contract which gives me not only 3GB of iPhone use but free WiFi too.

2 questions for everyone

1) How the hell do Apple do it?. I mean i have watched online events before (mainly Nokia ones) and think something is pretty good.... yet i watch an Apple one and want to spend £1,500 within a minute of it ending.

And 2) Should i just give in and accept the fact it is and always was my destiny to get an iPhone of some sort and the fact as i pointed out above i have a network that can use the phone, have apps downloaded ready and have the tethering on there is just my unconscious behavior telling me 'WHAT ARE YOU WAITING FOR???'

Every time i THINK about getting an iPhone i find reasons not too, yet when im not thinking about it i end up REALLY wanting one.

12th July 2009, 09:32 AM
Why wouldnt you get one? I have the white 16GB PAYG iPhone, the one you are planning to get. For your first iPhone, the 3GS will deliver a really good experience.

13th July 2009, 07:02 AM
Apple are the Borg - resistance is futile - you will be assimilated - it is inevitable ;)

13th July 2009, 09:32 AM
Apple are the Borg - resistance is futile - you will be assimilated - it is inevitable ;)
I think that's what scares people! It's the almost cult-like atmosphere that some people just can't stand.

When you take a step back and look at things objectively, though, you understand that the reason Apple have been so wildly successful is because they're making excellent products with a heavy focus on user interface design. They really are the experts of HCI.

Sure, they like to mandate very specific ways of doing things, and even what things you can do at all - but you can guarantee that for every 'locked down' method or feature they'll be a rebellious enthusiast somewhere on the net who has provided an alternative for you.

I, personally, just embraced the Apple way. In its entirety, lol. And I'm better off for it!

13th July 2009, 08:09 PM
I personally feel the reason behind apples success is several things.

1. Not only are ALL Apple products physically nice to look at and use, the UI is aswell. You never get a standard PC that does both (not with windows on anyway) and that gives you the same sort of build quality. Same with phones. The UI and the phone is pleasing to the eye and to use, which you just dont get with other phones.

2. Its like Pringles. Once you get one, your hooked. Apple is no longer just a company for some people. Its something that they follow religiously. Kind of like the ultimate brand loyalty.

3. Apple marketing team is without a doubt the best in the world. They can make such a hype about anything and people will latch on like leaches.

13th July 2009, 08:36 PM
One of the things I like about Apple products is the hierarchy is straightforward and easy to understand - there are not an infinate amount of hardware combinations and configurations that I have to learn inside out before trying to build product to good spec , everything is done for me , and I simply get a pick of 3 or so models to choose from - Top .middle or bottom? it's as simple as that - Some people would say this is bad , and that you SHOULD have an infinate choice for every component , but it's not my cup of tea ! I want to use a computer , not design , build & maintain one !!

13th July 2009, 10:30 PM
Agreed - you're either the machine's master or you're its slave.. I know which I prefer to be. I get to exercise as much choice over my Mac product as I ever was over PC stuff with the added benefit that my Mac kit does not expire each year one day after the warranty runs out!