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View Full Version : Viv cracks the whip!

13th June 2008, 06:55 PM
My favourite European politician is out to knock some more skulls together, is there anything this woman can't do!? :D

I think once she's sorted of the mobile cartels.. sorry, operators she should turn her attention to something else that needs a kick up the arse... Labour government perhaps? ;)

EU Telecoms Commissioner Viviane Reding put the frighteners on operators and national regulators today, by reiterating her July 1 deadline to cut data roaming rates and making a grab for the digital dividend.

The GSMA reckons that the cost of data roaming in Europe has already dropped 25 per cent in the last six months, but that's not enough for Ms. Reding, who has an axe and is willing to use it: "I am not impressed by this ... if this stays unchanged until 1 July ... regulatory intervention will be necessary again" she told a meeting of 27 European telecoms ministers.

We've already noted that there's not a lot the industry can do against the self-styled "consumer champion", who sees the imposition of a cap as another opportunity to demonstrate what a great organisation the EU is. If the operators started giving away international data she'd probably still cap it. The publicity is just too good to resist.


13th June 2008, 09:53 PM
I love that woman, she's my heroine for the decade :) We should put up a statue of her on the empty plinth in Trafalgar Square. What a worthy woman.

The Mobile Network Cartel (come on 3g-g, don't be shy, you hit the nail on the head) aided and abetted by the cosy club called GSMA have for too long taken the buying public for a ride. They are incapable of policing themselves. They are demonstrably incapable of delivering either competition or fairness across the EU. Instead they have set themselves nice cosy [not so] little financial targets to bleed us dry should we dare venture out of our home network. None of that makes any sense at all.

The UK operators are [finally] finding out the huge financial dividend of reducing national mobile data rates, but they still seem blind to the benefits of repeating that on an international scale.

I wish Viviane all the power to her elbow to shake this comely lot out of their complacency. They'll profit for sure, but it is simply astonishing that they have to be dragged to the realisation kicking and screaming all of the way there. Twats!