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View Full Version : When has 3g saved your bacon?

25th February 2008, 01:15 PM
At the weekend I was at a Black Tie affair in Newcastle-Upon-Tyne and while I had all the necessary dress, it occurred to me that I did not know how to tie a bow tie. :o
Well thanks to my data tariff and 3 network coverage, all I needed was a quick trip to youtube where I was able to get video lessons and about 2 minutes later I had a proper looking bow tie (well for a couple of hours anyway ;))

Naturally, I could have asked for assistance, but that's not what people do now a days is it? So, when has your 3g data connection saved you bacon?

Let's see if we can keep this to non work related stuff as I'm sure that's more interesting :p

I'm hoping to get some ideas on how better to utilise my phones capabilities.

25th February 2008, 04:31 PM
Not really saving my bacon but this blog was done entirely using 3G phones/data cards.


(Admittedly might have been in GPRS coverage for some of it.)

25th February 2008, 11:34 PM
I have used the 3G (and non-3G) data connections very frequently to get at information when away from the computer. The most recent example was a family get together on Sunday where I was able to locate some information that everyone was talking about but didn't know how to verify. Maybe it didn't save anyone's bacon, but it did prove very effective to be able to whip the phone out, tap a few buttons and deliver the answer in seconds. Thats what its all about isn't it?

26th February 2008, 08:36 AM
Thats what its all about isn't it?

Exactly. I've not quite started blogging via the phone yet, but can see it happening, but I often look up "facts" on the net using my phone to settle arguments.

Another use I remembered was google maps. Not quite GPS navigation, but none the less very effective at getting your direction back.

26th February 2008, 09:55 AM
WRT blogging from a phone, this (http://webmastersms.cardboardfish.com/smsblog.html) is an easy way of doing it.

A combination of 3G and my MBP saved my bacon at the weekend. I needed to make a money transfer for a large purchase from my savings to my current account. So, I whipped out my MBP, plugged in my Vodafone 3G Broadband USB modem, did the transfer there and then and paid moments later with my debit card.
