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View Full Version : eBooks - Good or Bad?

20th November 2007, 01:46 PM
I've been reading eBooks for 3 years on my nokias', so I approach Amazons Kindle (http://www.amazon.com/Amazon-com-kindle/dp/B000FI73MA) reader with a sense of wonder. It's black and white, has an MP3 player, wireless support over the mobile phone network (US only) and can email and surf some websites.
But why, create such a device when there are competitors already in the market and the technology widely available to pc's and mobiles.

A little bit of research uncovered that mobipocket (http://www.mobipocket.com/en/HomePage/default.asp?Language=) is a subsidiary of Amazon and I use their reader on my phone. They have an extensive library and the reader is very good. What will become of mobireader now that Amazon have launched their own device?

I've just found out (d'oh!) that mobireader can convert pdfs to the mobi format so that you can more easily read pdfs on your phone. I hope this is useful for someone. I have stacks of pdfs just sitting there unread, but not for much longer!

Anyway, in an age where [mobile] screen sizes are getting bigger and resolutions better, is there a need for a device such as the kindle?

Do any other talk3gers read eBooks or 'real' books for that matter?

20th November 2007, 03:44 PM
I actually can't imagine reading an entire book on screen. Perhaps on a specialised reader such as the new Amazon one where there's no backlight and a 'paper like' finish... but otherwise I'd just get horrific eye strain!

I do think that digital readers are the way forward as books are large and cumbersome, I even find them uncomfortable.

20th November 2007, 07:21 PM
I have tried ebooks and hated the experience. Give me paper any day. I don't read that much, except when on holiday, but then I do so in rather hostile conditions. Sun, sea, sand, sangria :D

21st November 2007, 11:30 AM
With apps like mobizones and mobipocket reader, the user has greater access to digital content. Last night I loaded on loads of rss feeds into mobipocket. I know this has been around for ages, but with mobizines and mobipocket, the user gets the content in a more useful way when compared to traditional rss readers.
It's a feature of mobipocket that I've not previously used before and it delivers feeds in 'newspaper' style format. Pretty useful.

I enjoy reading, but like Ben, find books cumbersome. With hardcopy, I often forget I even have it, but with digital, I can load it on and forget about, and then just stumble upon it at a later date. So I never have to worry about packing 'that book'.

I do believe ebooks are here to stay. I think it's a generational thing, my folks just can't understand why or how I can read books on my phone, whereas it just comes as second nature to me.

That said, I wont be purchasing an ebook reader any time soon.

If any of you do read rss feeds, I would suggest that you give mobipocket a try. The one downside is that you can't update over the air (at present - a new release is due to sort that out) like mobizines, but the content is displayed in a better way.