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View Full Version : T-Mobile data service collapses

9th October 2007, 01:15 PM

T-Mobile joined the ranks of proper mobile operators with its own inadequately-explained network outage - losing data connectivity across its network for around four hours yesterday morning.

The outage left BlackBerry users, among others, disconnected and reliant on actually calling people up and speaking to them in order to stay in touch.

But all is now fixed, and T-Mobile tells us that "...steps have been taken to prevent a reoccurrence". So that's alright, then.

T-Mobile now join the likes ofOrange and Vodafone in thinking we'll take their word for it that they've fixed all their problems, though none are as extreme as 3 Ireland, which is still assuring everyone that its Mobile Broadband service is working perfectly in the face of irrefutable evidence to the contrary.

So now we're just waiting for the O2 network to fail without explanation and we'll have a full set, though the purists might want to see the 3UK network falling over too, just for completeness.

9th October 2007, 03:42 PM
Can't say I noticed it - didn't seem to miss any push-mail , and every time I have gone to use t'internet it has been there
LOL at the suggestion that T-mobile isn't a "proper" network :D
Keep it up ! our economy needs people like you ;)

9th October 2007, 07:49 PM
So...3 are still going string! I've noticed on a couple of occasions that I've been unable to connect at the first attempt. There you go, that's a data outage as far as I'm concerned.

9th October 2007, 08:01 PM
Never noticed the T-Mobile outage myself either.

T-Mobile have this legacy reputation (are you listenting to this 3?) of being a bit of a "toy" network. They have grown up this past couple of years and deliver a very credible offering with coverage to match any of its competition. But it will take time for them to shed their reputation and be considered one of the "big boys". They needn't worry about having to wait too long - they are doing all of the right things so far. The [positive] word about them is out.