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View Full Version : 3 Ireland's broadband stumbles to its knees

8th September 2007, 02:50 PM
How very shaming of 3. Do they not understand that Spin without substance is seen through instantly. You can't kid the entire population. This really seems to be a case of The Emperors New Clothes - some CEO/CIO in 3 is being told how nice and shiny their new HSDPA network is. All the while, all around its is on hits knees and royally pi55ing off the Customers.

But then, haven't we been here before a few times (at least three) with 3?

Poor dears, they never learn!!

3 Ireland's fixed broadband service is still unable to provide consistent connections, decent speeds, or access to standard e-mail interfaces, according to their users, despite repeated promises and assurances that everything is working fine.

While 3 might well employ a good PR representative, they don't seem to be backing that up with the engineering expertise needed to run the network.

Customers are complaining of connections frequently dropping out, and web sites disappearing from the network with a regularity which makes the service unusable.

The speed of HSDPA connections is very dependent on the distance to the nearest cell, so customers in rural areas will inevitably suffer from slow speeds. And while some users in towns do report decent connections it's the consistency of the connection which seems to be causing most problems.

For many applications, such as Telnet, VPNs and FTP, the speed of the connection is much less important than its consistency; the connection must be maintained or the activity is interrupted and is forced start again.

But 3's inability to manage an SMTP service, the most basic of requirements for e-mail service, beggars belief. Though there are IP-addressing problems with running a server on a mobile network, all the other major network operators seem to manage this with the minimum of fuss.

When we spoke to 3 they again assured us everything was fixed and working fine, and that SMTP would be available really soon. But they also admitted they've not changed anything since a week ago when they last told us everything was working fine. ®

Article Source: The Register (http://www.theregister.co.uk/2007/09/07/three_ireland_problems_again/)

Don't forget to catch up with Real Customers comments (http://www.theregister.co.uk/2007/09/07/three_ireland_problems_again/comments/) in response to the article - no spin there!

Now then, can we expect much of the same here on the mainland UK? For the life of me, and we're talking about 3 here, I can't see why not.

Leopards and Spots ..... it seems to me to be a situation of.

8th September 2007, 04:56 PM
The extent to which Three have messed up the Ireland broadband offering just defies belief. Once again they've managed to tarnish the image of yet another new technology. I think we're all holding our breath and waiting to see what they make of the UK offering.