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View Full Version : Mobile TV Standard Formalised For Europe

19th July 2007, 10:34 AM

The EC is backing DVB-H as the EU-wide standard for mobile TV. With any luck, this will speed deployments of DVB-H and finally result in a worthwhile mobile TV service with some half decent content.

19th July 2007, 09:24 PM
Not before time too. Time and time again the industry has demonstrated most vividly that it is unable to come up with coherent standards left to its own devices. They may bleat, but they have shown that they need constant regulation.

Now with a standard being given unto them by the darling of mobile telecommunications (Viviane Redin, gawd luv 'er) we stand something of a chance of actually getting a viable mobile TV revolution under way.

Pathetic really! 2007 and they still behave like a room full of monkeys!!