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27th June 2007, 10:21 PM
I had a very strange telephone conversation with T-mobile retentions over the weekend - I cannot remember every detail , but I'll try to give you the jist of it (trying to keep the retentions quotes as word for word as possible
A bit of background , I have a few T-mobile accounts , this one was an old Relax 300 contract that has reached minimum term - So I phoned to cancel it - we'll take it from the part where they ask me if there is anything they could offer to make me stay

Me - "Well , I do quite like the look of the Ameo "

TM - " the What ? "

Me - "The Ameo , 8GB hard drive , windows mobile ......... "

TM - " Ah ... yes , thats not really a phone "

Me - " Yes , I know , it's a PDA "

TM - " Yes , you'll find that far to bulky to carry around "

ME - " No , I know what is is , I am quite familiar with .... "

TM interrupts " I can offer you an MDA compact III which is the same but smaller "
ME - " No thanks , TBH it is only the Ameo that I would consider"

TM - " No , I think you are wrong there , the MDA compact III is much smaller ...."
ME (I interrupt this time) - No , I am familiar with all of the phones in your range , the ONLY one I am interested in is the AMEO "

TM - "Why ? "

ME - " I'm sorry ? "

TM - " Why is the Ameo the only one that you are interested in "

ME - " Because I have had the Vario II , and I don't consider the Compact III , or any other handset to be enough of an upgrade "

TM - " OK then , would you like me to go ahead with the termination ? "


he then came up with a ridiculous price , which was around £40 MORE than the standard upgrade offer on T-mobiles site !!
So , I went ahead with the termination ! - the whole conversation is a little condensed above, and actually went on for the best part of 20 minutes ! the guy simply wouldn't entertain the idea that I KNEW what I wanted
Cheeky sod !

On the whole , I have found T-mobiles CS to be Excellent , but this guy was the rudest twat I have had the misfortune to talk to in ages ! (it doesn't really come across in the script above )
I just cant understand why he wasn't keen to sell me the most expensive handset on their network !?

27th June 2007, 10:37 PM
Wow! What an absolute pr*t he was. How infuriating. But I suppose T-Mobile are just as likely as any to have some rogue incumbents. What a complete joke!!

I have had similar conversation with Vodafone and others, although not quite with your result.

What may have been worth trying would be to hang up, then call again an hour or so later and see if the experience repeats itself. But really, that guy sounds like a P4U reject - they tend to talk AT you rather than try and listen to what you are saying :(

27th June 2007, 11:35 PM
The only thing you can do when you get a naff rep on the phone:


I did it to an Apple rep the other day. I couldn't understand what he was saying, he didn't know anything about Apple or computers in general and he couldn't understand what I was saying. So, I hung up, called straight back and spoke to somebody very helpful indeed :) I did explain to the new agent what'd happened, as I do believe that companies need to learn from their recruitment mistakes, but as a customer it isn't our job to battle with ignorant, lazy people.