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View Full Version : .... and Microsoft wonder why they're hated!

19th June 2007, 09:17 PM
You are using an unsupported Internet browser. Please use the most recent non-beta version of Internet Explorer to access this page. If you continue you will likely experience performance issues. Please download this supported version or proceed to the PMC page you requested.

Excuse me but I am using a global standardised web browser, it is your busted flush that I am not using precisely because of "performance issues" .... it sucks! Firefox outstrips it in every way as regards performance.

Oh well, best run up Parallels/XP then :(

19th June 2007, 09:40 PM
which browser?

firefox can have it's user agent id changed so you can view IE only sites

19th June 2007, 09:48 PM
Yea I know, but they're trying to use ActiveX on there also .... I prefer to keep that kind of stuff in the Virtual world these days :)