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26th April 2005, 09:21 PM
What do Voda handsets use for streaming stuff? Downloads work on my 6680 but not streaming... can you stream on your 6630 Jon3G? If not, can you call CS and see if they can tell you what to do?

The networks are making their portals way, way too choosey about what phones and players they support. They're blatenly forgetting that they're a service provider, and they need to be providing a service for the handsets people want to use - not forcing them to use their own network-branded disasters.

26th April 2005, 09:27 PM
I have tried to stream ITN stuff on Voda and it simply does not work. I use Real Player. I have called Voda and all I get "yes we know its a problem with some hndsets and were are looking into it"

I am going to push more when the 6680 comes hoping they will offer me that

26th April 2005, 09:33 PM
Ok, well as long as they're going to support a *real* media player then I think I'll slide my SIM-Free 6680 over to Vodafone once Orange release their version (probably buggy as hell) of the 6680. Not being able to watch the news videos and movie trailers is bugging me now!