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15th February 2006, 11:33 PM
As we've seen already here at Talk3G, Intel have added their weight to the integrated 3G/WiFi laptop issue. By the looks of things, in the not too distant future your laptop will come 3G enabled, being as standard as say Centrino is just now.


Intel and the GSM Association signed an agreement on Tuesday to facilitate the addition of 3G technology into notebook computers.

Both organizations will develop guidelines for the integration of 3G modems and SIM cards into laptop computers, enabling automatic connection to both 3GSM networks and Wi-Fi networks around the world.

Notebook PCs will use SIM cards, the small cards used by cell phone providers -- especially in Europe -- to link a phone to its mobile network.

"Our goal is to ensure that in future, every notebook will be SIM ready," said Rob Conway, CEO of the GSM Association, in a statement.

"This development brings the advantages and pervasiveness of the GSM platform to the notebook market, where this year sales of more than 60 million laptops are forecast worldwide," Conway added. "As 3G network roll-outs accelerate across the world, with additional media rich capabilities added through HSDPA upgrades, laptops with in-built connectivity to the 3GSM world will enable PC users to enjoy the full benefits of seamless access to mobile broadband wireless services with secure authentication."

Notebooks during 2006, like the Lenovo ThinkPad, will gain 3G capability, Intel executives said.

"During 2006, many of our customers will offer Intel Centrino Mobile Technology laptops that not only feature built in Wi-Fi technology, but also an internal 3GSM data card and an integrated SIM reader," Sean Maloney, executive vice president and general manager of Intel's Mobility Group, said in a statement. "This will turn the notebook into a real multi-communications terminal, and the SIM into a real authentication vehicle for GSM, GPRS, EDGE, 3GSM, HSDPA and Wi-Fi networks."

16th February 2006, 07:22 AM
"This will turn the notebook into a real multi-communications terminal, and the SIM into a real authentication vehicle for GSM, GPRS, EDGE, 3GSM, HSDPA and Wi-Fi networks."

That could be pretty cool... potentially no more encryption keys, making everything a) simpler and b) seamless.

I must say this is most exciting. We knew things were 'going this way', but an agreement directly between Intel and the GSM Association is the biggest lifeline yet for 3G.