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View Full Version : Do you Video?

6th November 2005, 01:43 PM
Well, do you?

When we first get our brand new all singing, all dancing, mobile handsets it is usual for us to try out all of the various features. Picture messaging via MMS is getting more and more popular if the mobile ops are to be believed. But what about Video shorts? The bulk of 3G handsets are able to record 3gp (MP4) video shorts. The uses for these are not yet matured but already we are seeing the likes of 3 setting up facilities to share these with the wider public. At Cannes this year there was a serious section that dealt with mini-movies taken via mobile handset cameras, with prizes given for the winners.

So what do you do with your camera phone? Do you Video? Care to share anything with us on here?

By way of bit of a lame excuse for sharing with you a short clip of one of our two dysfunctional pets (they realy are seriously disturbed) I thought that I'd ask the members of Talk3G to see what kind of Video usage is made with these devices.

Please share with us anything (clean, decent and honest) that you may want to. Try, if you can, to reflect what you'd normally use your Video function for.

Any clips posted should be kept short (this one is 274KB, which is smaller[!] than the static images taken with a 6680 on highest res setting).

Nokia users should have no trouble viewing the .3gp file content - others will need to use their fave .3gp (MP4-capable) player.

7th November 2005, 01:48 PM
Glad to see that it's not only my cat that sits in the sink drinking from the taps... :)

I've found I've used the video function on the N70 for a lot more than I initially thought - the cat attacking the Sony Aibo, the kids playing and at shows/exhibitions when there is something I want someone else to see better than just by a picture. I rarely keep the files though, but it's useful to know I can record if I want/need to.

7th November 2005, 02:58 PM
I always transfer any vids I make straight to the home PC..
I'll have a poke around when I get in - see if there's anything I can post.

8th November 2005, 02:43 PM
Any videos I take are usually at night when I'm out on the town and the never come out that well. It is funny to take one of your mates when they are acting like a pratt and then bluetooth it to others.
I send plenty of picture messages. I have only sent a video short once. I see football focus use video messaging now.