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View Full Version : 3 - First to employ video mobile recruitment

4th October 2005, 07:50 AM
What a practical use of the technology!

In a great example of how a business can use videophones, 3, UK’s first video mobile network, has launched a service that allows candidates to watch 3 recruitment videos on their mobile phones.

"3 is applying its innovative applications to human resources recruitment. Whilst providing quick and easy access to recruitment information on the move, the use of 3G in the process also means that 3 will attract technology-savvy candidates who already own and use video mobiles.

A Director at 3 was hired following a series of video interviews delivered using In2View™ - which significantly accelerated the recruitment process."


A logical extension of video dating :)

4th October 2005, 08:02 PM
Another example of a technology desparately looking for a use.

What next, pre-interviews by videocall before a proper interview?

Perish the thought, but I dare say there will be some company will try it - may even 3!!!