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View Full Version : 30 day validity scrapped on £15 Threepay top-ups

26th September 2005, 01:51 PM
The £15 top-up on ThreePay will be changed from 1/11/2005.

From the 3 UK website:

"The £15 voucher does not have a validity period, but must be activated within 90 days of purchase.Applies to £15 cash credit vouchers purchased after 1st November 2005. If you do not make or receive a call at least once in any 6 month period your mobile phone will be disconnected and any credits left on your Account will be forfeited. "

30 day validity still applies to the £25/35 top-up's.

One would imagine this has been introduced to stem the tide away from ThreePay and to keep low users aboard for a longer period.

26th September 2005, 03:09 PM
That's excellent news. About time too! Thanks :D

27th September 2005, 07:34 PM
Interestingly 3's MMS posting to its mobile handsets does not make any suggestion of a 6-month non-use disconnection policy. It only says that the £15 top up no longer expires - which if they disconnect after 6 months is a blatant lie that the ASA might want to investigate!!

Must research this further for clarification.

Edit: Oh yes it does, but on the website (not on their MMS posting!) http://www.three.co.uk/priceplans/threepaydetail.omp?cid=1077203737147

The 3 giveth and the 3 taketh away .......... grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr