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View Full Version : Can I port my number from Three early?

30th August 2005, 11:59 AM
If I leave Three before my 12 months I understand that I have to pay for the months not used. If I do so can I then port my number to a different network or will they insist I am with them for the full twelve months.


30th August 2005, 12:01 PM
They will issue you with a PAC code if you agree to settle the outstanding balance in full.

Why would'nt they?

30th August 2005, 12:50 PM
I asked because I didn't think Orange did. I had three months left with Orange but they wouldn't let me pay up front and then port. I had to see out the full twelve months!

30th August 2005, 01:12 PM
Really? That's really strange... you should've been able to pay your way out. Perhaps it was just a dodgy CSR? :\ Anyway, let us know how you get on with porting out of Three early.

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