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16th August 2005, 03:05 PM
Just something I noticed doing my daily trawl...

Orange state 3 hours battery life for talk time.

http://shop.vodafone.co.uk/index.cfm?fuseaction=home.viewPayMonthlyHandsetDet ails&action=getPayMonthlyHandsetDetails&intHandsetID=312&variationID=147&showSpecials=true
Vodafone (link may break... you know what Voda's site is like) are stating a whopping 8.25 hours battery life for talk time... a figure that I would suggest is entirely incorrect.

Errors on the Vodafone website are frequent, but this one's pretty misleading unless their branded V600i has some kind of nuclear fuel cell in it!

16th August 2005, 06:41 PM
8.5 hours talk time....?????

Obviously a misprint.

Like the 256MB of Transflash supplied with the Z500, its actually only 32MB the former figure relates to the maximum size of card the phone can address.

Some of the networks are not very careful when they publish specs on the net and its worth double checking.