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View Full Version : Get a new FREE SIM to use 02 3G

12th August 2005, 05:08 PM
If you have an older unlocked 3 handset you can use it on 02 3G pay as you Go. Older 02 SIM cards work at a different operating voltage and are not upgradeable to allow use with 3G services. The good news is that if you call 02 Customer Services they will send you out a new 3G enabled SIM card Free of charge.

That way you can take advantage of the video for voice promotions and the faster data transfer on 02 Active etc. Natually 02 provide seamless switching too so you wont drop voice cals when moving in/out of 3G coverage. 02 will also port your existing 02 phone number to the new 3G SIM for free within 48 hours.

I should have my card soon and will report back what the performance is like when I have had some time to assess it.

12th August 2005, 09:41 PM
I should have my card soon and will report back what the performance is like when I have had some time to assess it.

lucky you.... I have rarely got an O2 3G signal whenever I have tried...

12th August 2005, 10:11 PM
At least you get an O2 2.5g signal cyber!!! It is impossible for either party to hear what the other is saying where I live. It's only 30 miles from Leeds. I hate to see what their 3G signalwill be like.

13th August 2005, 12:35 AM
Interesting! I guess even GSM900 from the very earliest providers doesn't cover some places.

O2 3G signal is not widespread - or even anywhere close. Still, every geographical region has its own strong and weak networks. There's no o2 3G where I am in the South East yet either, but I'll certainly try for an O2 PAYG SIM upgrade as soon as I do get a sniff so I can report back on the quality.