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10th August 2005, 08:12 PM
Is the only way to get access to the internet through GPRS or whatever (except with 3)? Is it possible to connect to a computer netowork (via bluetooth) and access the internet through the computer? In the connection settings, there is a data bearer option but the only option is "packet data". Is this the same on all 6680s or just 3 locked ones?

10th August 2005, 08:23 PM
With exception of 3, the other networks will allow you to use your phone as a modem, allowing dial-up or gprs connections to the internet on your PC.

You need to install the bluetooth modem driver on your PC for the bluetooth dongle you are using. Then the phone will work as any other modem. (remember to dial gprs with *99# )

Not sure about the other way round though as you seem to be asking?

11th August 2005, 12:23 AM
Yeah i want to use my pc broadband connection on my phone. Kind of like it being wi-fi enabled.

11th August 2005, 12:38 AM
Must say, I've never heard of anyone using their broadband connection as the data bearer for their handset. Would seem more hassle than it's worth. I have a Wi-Fi enabled PDA, however you at least have full browser. I'm aware that the handset browser capabilities are vastly different from the early days, but it would seem like a lot of effort... Could having Wi-Fi capabilities on a GSM/UMTS handset not leave the user open for installing VoIP SW? Thus bypassing any network call charges.. I know Voda Germany are aware of this and have blocked any VoIP traffic through their SGSNs originating from 3G data cards.

11th August 2005, 12:49 AM
I dont get it. Why would anybody want to sit and sqint at a mobile phone screen to view websites when you can view a full sized monitor connected to a PC?

Sounds like a technological possibility but not one that seems very useful.

11th August 2005, 01:05 AM
If you're on Three and you need data access for certain applications, say Anti-virus updates, then it'd be pretty useful. If you've got good bluetooth range then it'd also be quite good for browsing while in bed or using Agile Messenger while in other rooms.

However, I've never tried to do it - unfortunately, as I'd never use Three as my main provider due to the lack of open data access, I've never been forced to investigate this. Sorry! :(

11th August 2005, 02:03 AM
A cream cake to the first T3G user that undertakes and posts their findings!