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View Full Version : Nokia 6630 leaves Voda?

31st July 2005, 04:38 PM
Vodafone's Live! with 3G Nokia Section (http://shop.vodafone.co.uk/index.cfm?fuseaction=home.viewPayMonthlyHandsets&action=getPayMonthlyHandsetsByFeature&manufacturer=Nokia&featureID=5&showResults=true) now only contains the Nokia 6680. The drop-down of available handsets also fails to include the 6630.

Whether this is a stock issue or a conscious decision by Vodafone to stop selling the well-liked 6630 handset I have no idea. In contrast, Vodafone still retail handsets like the 7610 which are far, far older.

Personally I think operators need their 3G ranges to be as comprehensive as possible, and while the 6630 lacks videocalling it is still a capable modern Nokia smartphone.

19th August 2005, 07:42 AM
Thats really odd..

Maybe they're pushing the 6680 in particular because of it being the only dual-cam nokia..

Ok - I got my 6630 with the PT-8 video stand free from Vodafone and it works really well. But I still can't make video calls just anywhere. Only from my desk.

There's no point in pushing it I think when the 6680 is the natural successor.
I just clicked that link and it seems the 6680 is the only phone they're pushing!

19th August 2005, 01:59 PM
Yeah, I guess in the grand scheme of things it does make sense. They'll be adding the NSeries soon enough.

They're pushing that Samsung Z500 like crazy at the moment, especially online. Vodafone have been quick to exploit online advertising channels. I can't wait to see their next set of numbers.

19th August 2005, 03:55 PM
You're right about the NSeries.. I think we'll see them, (well, one at least! ) in Vodafone's September catalogue..

I've got my eye on the N70.
Looks like a 6680 with bells on.. y'know?

5th October 2005, 10:31 AM
You could apply this to the 6680 now it seems as well!

Not online..

But in Vodafone's October Catalogue the only 3G Nokia phone they're pushing is the N70.

7th October 2005, 09:31 PM
Perhaps they have stopped the 6630 because both it and the 6680 are going to be aiming at the same sector. Where as the 7610 is more "stylish" and can be aimed at a cheaper, 2G market.

Maybe the 6630 was impacting on 6680's sales.?!

Who knows?!