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View Full Version : Voda's Scottish 3G network wobbles (not that you'd notice)

14th July 2005, 11:59 PM

Vodafone's 3G voice service has been floored in certain parts of Scotland today following some sort of technical glitch.

Details of the problem are still sketchy but it's understood that punters have been unable to make voice calls on parts of Voda's 3G network in Scotland for much of the day.

A spokeswoman for Vodafone told El Reg that seven in ten of punters in these areas are affected by the problem.

However, she added that a majority of people would be unaware of today's outage because Voda's 3G network automatically switched to the bog standard GPRS service if there's a problem.

Engineers are currently working to restore the network, which could take 24 hours to fix.

S'funny that it refers specifically to the '3G voice service'... Mhm.

16th July 2005, 10:38 AM
I did'nt notice. The handset just switches seamlessly to GSM. Who cares what technology carries a call..... as long as you can talk and it does'nt drop regularly.