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22nd December 2009, 09:25 PM
The 3 blog has started to beef up with content. Much of it is what one may expect of an early-day blog, but it is no less of interest to read.

What I particularly like is that the blog exposes many of 3's significant people in management. Names and faces are shared with us, as are their thoughts and comments on 3's product and services.

I have been looking around and first up for my undivided attention is Patrick Binchy, Director of Customer and Finance Operations (http://blog.three.co.uk/author/patrick/), a completely unenviable role given the first part of his title. That would place him right in the sights of anyone who has first hand experience of Customer Services and all that has to offer.

My main responsibility at 3 is to deliver upon and improve our customer care. I work with my team, both on and off-shore, to ensure that we improve our levels of customer satifaction and make things better for our customers.

Well, that is a formidable mission statement, and one has got to wish him well in his endeavour. To do otherwise would be completely cynical, and of no use to man nor beast. I believe that 3 have simply got to get their Customer Service proposition right - it has been so very broken for so long!

Patrick's first blog, entitled Steps in the right direction (http://blog.three.co.uk/2009/12/14/steps-in-the-right-direction/) is a worthy read, I can advise clicking the link to go take a look.

He starts off promisingly ...
I would be the first to admit that we’ve made mistakes in the past and that it’s not perfect. I read blogs and Twitter and I promise you, I am listening. We take over 1.5 million calls every month and we gather a large volume of customer feedback.
Then Patrick continues ...
Some of you tell me you struggle with accents, feel you’re not always listened to or that we just blindly follow scripts which don’t lead to resolution of the issue which led to the call.

Making things better – delivering on our customers’ expectations – is my priority for next year. ... and so on.

These are worthy statements for Patrick to make - and maybe only to be expected. But if he delivers on these, and only these, in 2010 he will have contributed to 3's good fortune immeasurably. Bring 3's CS back to the UK, shut down the Mumbai operation (or simply stop using it) and 3's fortunes will really begin to take off.

So what do you think? Is Patrick capable of pulling this off? Will his parent organisation in Hong Kong allow him to? Will even Kevin Russell be able to sponsor Patrick in this effort to renew 3's fortunes, repair the damage and start generating the all-essential good will that has been lost to so many over the years?


22nd December 2009, 09:45 PM
Hmm, do they have the money to fix this? I mean, it'd take a very major reinvention of 'Customer Service' at 3 UK for there to be a worthwhile improvement. Not only does the call centre itself need to change, but all of the procedures need to change with it - possibly even the computer systems used.

I'm hopeful, though. They're talking the talk, finally!

22nd December 2009, 11:29 PM
" would be the first to admit that we’ve made mistakes in the past and that it’s not perfect. I read blogs and Twitter and I promise you, I am listening. We take over 1.5 million calls every month and we gather a large volume of customer feedback"

Oh thats good listening is one thing, but they have been doing dam al about it, did they lisen with the walled gnd? NO, did they listen about lack of handsets? no, did they listen about removing home like home? no, did they listen about the crap CS they have? no, did they even listen why ppl were leaving, or the issues they faced with tech or/handset or billing issues you guessed it NO

keep listening three!

Oh and Ill not even go into the issue that they are using the blog to sell their mobiles with reviews etc.