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View Full Version : O2 portal, is there one?

22nd September 2008, 07:21 PM
Maybe this is a dumb question, but is there an O2 portal similar to My 3 or the equivalent on vodafone?

Obviously this isn't a major concern for me seeing as I've not missed it since joining O2, just thought I might be missing out!

Do you even want one?

It occurred to me that there is no O2 branding on the iPhone whatsoever, apart from the operator logo. It struck me as odd, given how marketing people love to be in your face all of the time.

22nd September 2008, 07:30 PM
The day Apple allow an operator brand on the Jesus phone is the day Hell freezes over :D

I think there is an O2 portal, yes... though I've never used it and never will. I hate network portals! The iPhone excells in repelling operator crapness.

22nd September 2008, 08:00 PM
Well, there is this http://customerforum.o2.co.uk/ But I wouldn't call it a portal.....

23rd September 2008, 11:39 AM
I had wondered given that mobile TV channels are still around, music downloads are in fashion and O2 sponsor a load of events.

I know most of this goes against Apple, but O2 seem to have forgotten what 3g is for.

23rd September 2008, 11:50 AM
......... O2 seem to have forgotten what 3g is for.

I would contend that O2 never knew what 3G was for in the first place, hence their massive under-investment in the network. But that would be just me :p

23rd September 2008, 09:44 PM
guess what, I found it! (no not the 3g network) It's even in safari's bookmarks.


Well at least it's an attempt.